Set up in 2001, our ultimate goal is to amplify our members' capacity to prevent financial crime, thereby reducing its harmful impact on society, and at the same time safeguarding the integrity of their organisation and the global financial system as a whole. Volunteering with us is about making a real difference in safeguarding the financial systems and local communities by preventing financial crime. Our volunteer opportunities are diverse and cater to a wide range of interests and skills. Whether you are a student looking to apply your academic learning in a practical setting, a professional keen to share your expertise, an academic interested in transferring your research into practice, or someone passionate about contributing to a safer, fairer financial world, your involvement is invaluable.
We value the fresh perspectives and enthusiasm volunteers bring and are committed to providing an enriching experience. Volunteering with us is not only an opportunity to enhance your skills and knowledge but also a gateway to making professional connections and gaining experiences that can shape your career and personal growth.
Events Support
- Help manage day-to-day administrative tasks related to running The Institute.
- Help coordinate online and in-person events, from setup to wrap-up.
- Liaise with event speakers, ensuring smooth communication and scheduling.
- Foster clear and professional communication with members and external stakeholders.
Social Media Support
- Conduct targeted research on current trends, regulations, and best practices within the financial crime prevention domain.
- Help compile and edit The Institute’s monthly newsletter, detailing current developments, Institute updates, and horizon-scanned topics.
- Creation regular blog posts, including soliciting contributions from industry experts and Institute members.
- Monitor relevant policy changes and industry consultations.
Research & Advocacy Support
- Coordinate the Institute’s input to industry consultations, ensuring feedback represents the collective viewpoint of members.
- Help coordinate, review and edit position papers, policy briefs, or responses to industry queries based on research findings.
Our volunteer opportunities would suit a wide variety of individuals, based anywhere in the UK, including:
- Recent graduates, particularly in business administration, communications, or event management looking to gain practical industry experience.
- Professionals who have retired but still want to remain active in a professional community.
- Those in transition between jobs who might be looking for ways to stay active, maintain or build skills, and contribute to a cause they care about.
- Parents who have taken time off work to care for their children and might be looking for ways to maintain or develop their professional skills without committing to a full-time job.
- Individuals passionate about financial crime prevention, even if they doesn't have a direct background in the sector. A strong interest in The Institute’s cause can be a significant motivator!
- Especially in relation to research and advocacy, researchers and early career academic interested in growing their research and publication portfolio in line with our Research Agenda.
Please feel free to reach out to us for more information or to express your interest in becoming a part of our team. Together, we can work towards effective financial crime prevention. We look forward to having you on board and embarking on this journey of change and innovation together.